The chart above i.e the topmost showed the crude oil price restated in Ringgit from 2004 to current year, while the bottom chart is our petrol price for similar time frame.
(a) From 2004 to July 2006 prices move in moderation and subsequently our petrol price at the pump was increase in tandem with crude oil price.
(b) From August 2006 to January 2007 crude prices descend while our Riggit ascend vis-à-vis the US Dollar. The strength of the ringgit caused the prices of crude in ringgit to touch the bottom by March 2007as compared to crude in US dollar was at the lowest in January 2007. Unfortunately the good fortune was not passed to the rakyat by the dimwits.
(c) From February 2007 to July 2008 there was a long sustaining linearly upward movement in prices and ended with a record high price of crude prices in July, before a reversal or maybe a retracement in August. Despite the expansion in prices, the petrol price was kept at bay due to the election year. After the election in March and with the dimwits lossing the 2/3 majority and, 5 states and Wilayah Perseketuan….the dimwits showed their true colors…we were hit by a 40% increase in petrol prices in July.
(d) The fall of crude oil in late August and September gave a breathing space for the dimwits to reduce petrol price. However, the reduction is not reflective of a caring government since it was more of the dimwits political strategic maneuver …the reduction of 5.6% was done in 23rd August before the Permatang Pauh by-election and further reduction of 3.9% on the 25th of this month is to appease us before Hari Raya.
The 40% hike in petrol in July has done the damage as reflected by the inflation rate which has jumped to a 27-year high of 8.5 percent in August, driven by the escalating cost of food and fuel, according to official data. Any reduction of petrol prices will not be aligned with a reduction in food prices since sellers of foodstuff are a bit sticky about price reduction.
I just don’t trust the imbecilic dimwits to manage the subsidies and loyalties forwarded by Petronas…….”Seperti tikus baiki Labu”.